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Episode 42: 5 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Motivation to Workout

Mar 17, 2020

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If you struggle staying motivated to workout regularly, I totally understand. Even as a personal trainer I struggle with this from time to time. But while we tend to preoccupy ourselves with finding motivation hacks, rarely do we take the time to figure out how we're sabotaging our motivation to begin with. 

1. You're pigeonholing what it means to 'workout'.

If you say you don't like working out, chances are you have a very narrow perspective on what working out is. Getting your exercise in doesn't mean you have...

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Episode 40: How to Create a Habit That Sticks (My 6-to-Stick Method)

Mar 03, 2020

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We all know habits are the keys to our success in any endeavor we have.

Our ability to achieve our dreams virtually never comes down to one big thing we did. It's what we do, how we think, and how we respond to challenges every single day, without even thinking, that truly determines our fate. 

So here is my 6-to-Stick Method (as seen in my Life Unleashed Program) for creating healthy habits that will stand the test of time, motivation, and busy-ness. 

  1. Make it easy.

Whenever you choose the habit that you want...

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